Investment Cognitive Reasoning and Intelligent Model

Feb.2022 - Feb.2023: Investment Cognitive Reasoning and Intelligent Model, advised by Prof. Chunxiao Li, Assistant Professor, Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University(SJTU).


  • Background: Expert systems have limitations in knowledge acquisition, scope and maintenance. The focus has shifted to the third generation of AI that breaks down intelligence into basic operations.
  • Purpose: To move beyond expert systems and explore third generation AI, with a focus on ensuring model interpretability critical for investment.
  • Methods: Quantitative factors were programmed, backtested and refined based on practical engineering needs. Future integration with the reasoning system was also explored.
  • Conclusions: Readily usable quantitative factors were provided for the company. The project offered insights into applying machine learning while maintaining interpretability, though the factors are yet to be integrated into the reasoning system


While this project piqued my interest, I must acknowledge that as undergraduates, our role primarily involved handling the labor-intensive tasks.